Monday, July 16, 2007


Well, while we didn't do any boxing this weekend, I did talk about it plenty with two different sets of friends. On Saturday evening hubby and I went to a friend's house to help them cut moulding and put it around the floor where they laid new flooring in the dining room. This is their first house, it is old, and there is a lot of remodeling to do. Hubby is a carpenter, so he's been helping them out and teaching the guy how to do these kinds of things for himself. While they were in the other room working, I sat in the livingroom with the wife (who was my roommate in college) and we talked about letterboxing and camping. Her hubby is a big camping fanatic. She, not so much. But he's wearing her down ;) She commented that he would love to go camping in New Hampshire and Conneticut, and wouldn't it be fun to do it together? I suggested we do a few local weekend camping trips together first, and why not combine letterboxing? Her husband has already purchased his stamp. She knows which one she wants, and they are going this weekend to pick out logbooks. She has said that they want their first stamp to be one of my planted boxes. We are going to take a Saturday soon to take them out on a day trip and get their feet wet, maybe even plant a box.

On Sunday evening we went to another friends' home for dinner and they asked about our letterboxing hobby. I had just happened to bring along my logbook ;) so I got to show them stamps I've collected and also the ones I had carved and planted. They were really impressed with the idea that you could carve your own stamps. I guess next time I go I will have to take my stamp carving stuff and do a demonstration for them.

JuJuBee and Cody's stay with us is drawing to a close. They've been here about a month. I wonder who our next guest will be?

Hubby is going away with the NG next week and I'll be going with him. I'm already printing out clues for boxes in the area and along the way. Now I just need to organize....

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