Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Boxing Bust

Boxing with my family seems to be getting more and more of a drag. I had several boxes laid out to visit on our trip to the cabin, I even planned a different route to hit them, a way we've never gone before. By the time it was early afternoon, having only hit two of the five boxes planned, they were grumbling. So I didn't even try for the final three, headed into town, had dinner and went straight to the cabin. Didn't have a relaxing weekend either. Hubby kept talking about going to Cranberry Glades, so the next morning we got up and went out for breakfast. However, it was overcast and raining off and on, so we spent ALL day running around stores. We ate mid afternoon and went home. I was wore out and disgusted. The next day we waited until my Mom and brother came in before going into town. I had to go to the library to use the internet to place my Avon order.

BUT, I did carve a stamp while there, and we placed the box at Devil's Backbone -- a distinctive landmark my brother and I always watched for to know we we almost to the cabin (practically a stone's throw...) And, in honor of the 07-07-07 date, we placed our first hitchhiker. Mom took some pics with her digital, and when she gets back into town I will post a couple.

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